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Thesis topic proposals by doctoral schools
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Current thesis topic proposals of University of Pannonia, Doctoral School of Business and Management

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location of studies (in Hungarian)
Márta Judit SulyokSpatial and temporal concentration of tourism mobility2025-01-31PE
Márta Judit SulyokSpatial and temporal concentration of tourism mobility2025-01-31PE
Zoltán Kovács
Beáta Fehérvölgyi
Változó környezetű összetett tudásalapú rendszerek jellemzőinek azonosítása2025-01-31PE
László Józsa
Dávid Máté Hargitai
Motivations for sport consumption2025-01-31PE
Andrea BencsikRelationship among Ethics, Trust and Success in Knowledge-oriented Organizations2025-01-31PE
László Józsa
Annamária Sasné Grósz
The role of culture in the customers' preferences2025-01-31PE
Andrea BencsikRelationship among Ethics, Trust and Success in Knowledge-oriented Organizations2025-01-31PE
Gábor MichalkóTourism and transdisciplinarity2025-01-31PE
Tibor Csizmadia
Attila Imre Katona
Modeling the information spread with knowledge graphs in higher education2025-01-31PE
Zoltán Veres
Katalin Juhász-Dóra
Analysis of the service environment in the services market2024-12-31PE
Ágnes RaffayInformation Technology and Sustainable Tourism Development2025-01-31PE
Nóra ObermayerDual roles: Is there a yellow brick road for female leaders?2025-01-31PE
Edit KőváriDigital and emotional intelligence as key competencies of 21st century managers2025-01-31PE
Petra Gyurácz-Németh
Zsolt Hollósy
Analyzing Investment Efficiency in the Hotel Industry: Operational and Financial Return Perspectives2025-01-31PE

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