Lendvai László
Recycling and upcycling of plastic products made of novel polymeric materials


Intézmény: Széchenyi István Egyetem
közlekedés- és járműtudományok
Multidiszciplináris Műszaki Tudományi Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Lendvai László
helyszín (magyar oldal): Széchenyi István University
helyszín rövidítés: SZE

A kutatási téma leírása:

"Scientific background
Environmental awareness has a growing significance in the everyday life of current society. Besides, the strict governmental and international regulations, the industrial players in the vehicle production also aim to reduce the environmental footprint of the automotive as much as possible. For this reason, numerous studies are devoted to the reduction of component weight by replacing heavy metallic parts using lightweight plastic products instead. A relatively new group of the polymers is the so-called biopolymers, which consist of plastics that are derived from renewable resources and can be broken down to harmless pieces after their useful life so that they do not burden the environment as waste. Due to their degradable nature, relatively little emphasis is placed on the potential of recycling them, which, however, can turn out to be much more beneficial from an environmental point of view, since the energy required for recycling is much lower than the production of new, primary materials.
The purpose of the research
The aim of the research is to find out whether bioplastics, that are otherwise intended for biodegradation after their useful life, can be recycled in the same way as common petrochemical plastics that are currently recycled in large quantities, under the same infrastructural conditions. If this is feasible, how efficiently can it be performed and within what limits? The scope of the research also includes ""ucycling"", an improved way of recycling during which the material properties are enhanced relative to the original polymer.
• Literature review. Analyzing the current state of literature and patent data, especially in the field of novel biopolymers that can also be used in the vehicle industry as well.
• Production of different polymer blends and composites based on biopolymers and simulating their recycling under laboratory conditions.
• Investigating the effect of recycling on the properties of these polymers. Testing different strategies to improve the traits."

felvehető hallgatók száma: 1

Jelentkezési határidő: 2024-08-31

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