Bukovics Ádám
Development of a multi-criteria expert evaluation and decision support method for the structural renovation


Intézmény: Széchenyi István Egyetem
építőmérnöki tudományok
Multidiszciplináris Műszaki Tudományi Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Bukovics Ádám
helyszín (magyar oldal): Széchenyi István University
helyszín rövidítés: SZE

A kutatási téma leírása:

Residential buildings provide a significant part of the national and private property, therefore renovation and upgrading of the residential buildings which are in poor condition is a very important task. Before the renovation (strengthening) of the load bearing structures, a detailed technical-static expert report is prepared, in which, in addition to the main characteristics of the building, the expert determines to what extent the load bearing structures have been damaged. The aim of the research is to create an expert, multi-criteria decision support system that takes stock of possible renovation methods and, based on the available data and inspections, suggests the optimal intervention. To achieve the goal, we use methods based on fuzzy systems (fuzzy signature, fuzzy rule base, aggregation operators ...).

Jelentkezési határidő: 2024-08-31

2024. VII. 26.
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