Kemény Lajos Vince
Identification of novel regulators of pigmentation


Intézmény: Semmelweis Egyetem
elméleti orvostudományok
Semmelweis Egyetem Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Kemény Lajos Vince
helyszín (magyar oldal): Semmelweis Egyetem
helyszín rövidítés: SE

A kutatási téma leírása:

Melanoma is one of the most rapidly progressing cancers in humans. Melanoma cells harbor thousands of mutations due to excessive UV radiation exposure. Despite screening programs and the use of tanning lotions, unfortunately UV mediated skin darkening via tanning is still desired in Western cultures. However, in eastern cultures, like Japan, retaining light skin color is the socially desired standard.

Therefore, there is an unmet need to modify pigmentation without excessive DNA damage. During this PhD project, the prospective student is expected to develop in vitro cellular assays to modulate pigment production upon UV radiation and other downstream stimuli (MSH induction). These cellular assays will require genomic engineering to tag pigmentation related genes with fluorescent reporters. The FACS based sorting of the fluorescently tagged genes will serve as a basis for the in vitro crispr screen approach that will identify regulators of the tagged genes.

The overall goal of this PhD project is to identify novel regulators of pigmentation and their functional characterization.

During the project, the PhD student will perform genome-wide crispr screens in various human cellular models in order to identify specific regulators of UV and/or MSH induced pigmentation. After identifying genes associated with either increased or decreased pigmentation, the PhD student will evaluate the pathways responsible for the regulation of pigmentation using bioinformatic tools. Based on the results of the screening, the student will validate the top targets and examine the exact function of the new targets using various biochemical and cellular assays. The relevance of identified genes for pigmentation, melanoma formation is evaluated by analyzing GWAS datasets and transcriptomic and clinical data of melanoma samples obtained from patients.

During the program, students are expected to acquire and develop strong cell biological, molecular biological and bioinformatic skills, as well as presentation and communication skills. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of the project, strong collaboration skills are also expected to develop. In addition, certain aspects of the project can be carried out in cooperation with the Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard University, Technische Universitat of Munchen.

The project can be tailored to the interests and individual goals of the prospective doctoral student upon discussion and mutual agreement.

Jelentkezési határidő: 2024-06-30

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