Illés Bálint Csaba
Opportunities, tools and constraints of effective enterprise development along the lifecycle stages of enterprises in different sectores


Intézmény: Magyar Agrár- és Élettudományi Egyetem
gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományok
Gazdaság- és Regionális Tudományok Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Illés Bálint Csaba
helyszín (magyar oldal): Neumann János Egyetem
helyszín rövidítés: NJE

A kutatási téma leírása:

The aim of the research is to explore the development directions and opportunities, the different specific management tools of small and medium enterprises, the external factors and

forces which influence their development, and the specific features of the different lifecycle stages of SMEs. The research would focus not only the different functional areas of enterprises, but also on issues of quality management and CSR activities, the strategic goals on integration and globalization, which processes may also determine the performance of enterprises. The suggested research area would concentrate on enterprises which have been existing at least for five years and has at least 10 employees. A special target group of the research is the agribusiness and food processing sector. All research fields are conducted at international level.

Actuality of the topic:

The role of SMEs is well known all over the world. Many researches are focusing on the external driving forces, the social and economic role of SMEs, the supporting systems and financing tools of enterprises. Present topic focuses on the role of the internal features of organizations, how the SMEs may be developed and operated by managerial tools, with a special focus on the use of the life cycle models which can be an appropriate method for determining the different tools, opportunities and tasks that may help the development process.

felvehető hallgatók száma: 1

Jelentkezési határidő: 2024-05-31