The Importance of Strategic Narratives Shaping States National Identity and National Security


Intézmény: Nemzeti Közszolgálati Egyetem
Hadtudományi Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Németh József Lajos
helyszín (magyar oldal): Doctoral School of Military Science
helyszín rövidítés: DSMS

A kutatási téma leírása:

In this research we are defining the following research objectives: from one hand to explore how strategic narratives contribute to the shaping of a state's national identity and its perception of national security, and from the other hand to assess the effectiveness of strategic narratives in aligning public opinion with national security objectives, particularly in times of crisis or conflict.
Expected Outcome: Ultimately, this research will contribute to a deeper understanding of the power of strategic narratives in international relations, offering a comprehensive framework for analyzing their impact on national identity and security policies.

felvehető hallgatók száma: 2

Jelentkezési határidő: 2024-06-30