Tóth-Bodrogi Edit
Kovács Tibor
Investigation of reusability NORM residues based on geopolymers at the building industry


Intézmény: Pannon Egyetem
bio-, környezet- és vegyészmérnöki tudományok
Vegyészmérnöki és Anyagtudományok Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Kovács Tibor
társ-témavezető: Tóth-Bodrogi Edit
helyszín (magyar oldal): Pannon Egyetem
helyszín rövidítés: PE

A kutatási téma leírása:

Geopolymers present inorganic novel cementitious materials considered as environmentally friendly because they have low CO 2 footprint, superior mechanical properties and excellent durability. Additionally, geopolymer materials can effectively absorb heavy metals and radioactive pollutions, but also they have the advantages relating to the fire and corrosion resistivity.
Industrial residues like fly ash and red mud present the potential promising raw materials, which can be used for geopolymer synthesis, but both showed poor reactivity.
The tasks of the candidate is as follows:
i): optimization of process parameters (type of alkali activator, curing temperature, etc. in relation to the mechanical properties of geopolymers) for geopolymer synthesis using red mud and fly ash as main raw material precursors;
ii): radiological investigation of industrial residues and the final geopolymers (leachability, radon potencial, gamma dose surplus)

felvehető hallgatók száma: 1

Jelentkezési határidő: 2024-08-31