Kálmán Anikó
New teaching methods and learning environments to empower learners in the globalising world.


Intézmény: Szegedi Tudományegyetem
Neveléstudományi Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Kálmán Anikó
helyszín (magyar oldal): Neveléstudományi Intézet
helyszín rövidítés: NI

A kutatási téma leírása:

Where do we learn? How do we learn? New deal of Lifelong Learning
Learners’ expectations and behaviours in the massified and digitised lifelong learning. The traditional model of learning is much challenged by the impact of the ever improving performance of new IT and networking tools. Cutting edge technologies offer easy access to digital resources, information and the Internet, which, together with the social media, dramatically change the notion of access, with all its socio-economic consequences.
Indicative research questions
• 1) Comparative analysis of different aspects of the lifelong learning process
• 2 ) The changing spaces of the lifelong learning environment in the 21st century
• 3) New competencies and learning cultures for Industry 4.0
• 4) Social and emotional skills in contemporary carrier development
• 5) The role of lifelong learning in the development of innovation and competitiveness in the learning organization

előírt nyelvtudás: angol
felvehető hallgatók száma: 1

Jelentkezési határidő: 2025-01-10

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