Agárdi Izabella
Planetary Memory: The Paradigmatic Change of Memory in Times of Climate Change


Intézmény: Pannon Egyetem
Kémiai és Környezettudományi Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Agárdi Izabella
társ-témavezető: Kummer Alex
helyszín (magyar oldal): Institute of Advanced Studies Kőszeg
helyszín rövidítés: iASK

A kutatási téma leírása:

This PhD topic addresses the ways in which, as Tom Clark puts it in “Derangements of Scale”(Clark 2012), climate change alters the scope of the history of Anthropocene, and the planetary perspectives of the global past, present and future. Coined as “planetary memory” the topic centres on drafting chapters in the long prehistory of climate change, and the different cultural and civilisational responses to the emerging threats of environmental degradation as well as the environmental impacts of human activities and losing a sense of place and a sense of home, while critically analysing modernity, and human-non-human relations in the face of capitalist expansion and growth. Although the proposed topic concentrates of memory accounts of past occurrences, it has a highly progressive and future-oriented vision of rethinking the relationality of humans and their environment as a co-dependent complex system, where unintended consequences and (side-) effects can have different feedback on the system and its cause-and-effect mechanisms.

The research project expected here will critically examine the memory of human and environmental exchanges (either examined synchronically or diachronically), and examining different source materials (textual or empirical) from which specific narratives or genres of memory can be extracted relating the long relationship of human-non-human encounters, environmental or climactic events, or periods that crucially impacted they ways in which human cultures interpret their relationship to their natural environment, and their resilience to its changes. The topic we expect here will require a complex-system approach.

This research proposes a transdisciplinary approach to understanding the cultural and civilisational aspects of climate change, viewing history through the relationship of humans and their environment as a complex system, and the social and cultural aspects of environmental sustainability.

előírt nyelvtudás: English
felvehető hallgatók száma: 2

Jelentkezési határidő: 2024-08-31

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