Barta Zoltán
The effects of long-term, landscape-wide changes on the Romanian biodiversity


Intézmény: Debreceni Egyetem
biológiai tudományok
Juhász-Nagy Pál Doktori Iskola

témavezető: Barta Zoltán
helyszín (magyar oldal): DE Élettudományi 1.206 "oktatói szoba"
helyszín rövidítés: ÉTK

A kutatási téma leírása:

Climate change and human interventions have significantly altered the Romanian landscapes in the past decades, directly or indirectly affecting biodiversity and subsequently, conservation efforts. While these changes are visible, their true magnitude and effects are mostly unknown.
While the desiccation of wetlands due to drought or drainage and the subsequent conversion to pastures or farmlands has become increasingly visible the past years, the magnitude of the phenomenon, as well as its effect on the populations of wintering and breeding waterbirds is unknown. The changing climate also affects the phenology of breeding birds, thus having a potential impact on detection probabilities and influencing trend calculations.
The study aims to shed light on the dynamic and proportions of landscape-wide changes, like the desiccation of wetlands, as well as their effect on the local biodiversity, analysing satellite imagery, weather patterns and data from long-term biodiversity monitoring programmes.
Candidates should have excellent communication skills in English, good sense of research methodology and statistical analysis (preferably in R) and be familiar with various monitoring methods.

If you are interested please contact Prof. Zoltán Barta (

A témával és a jelentkezéssel kapcsolatban érdeklődni lehet Barta Zoltánnál (; email:; telefon: 52/316 666/62334) vagy Bán Miklósnál (email:; telefon: 52 316 666/62357.

felvehető hallgatók száma: 1

Jelentkezési határidő: 2024-05-15

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