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cím odaítélése /döntés dátuma
Helle KrisztinaRosztóczy András2024-04-11 15:00:00Clinical investigations of gastroesophageal reflux disease with and without complications
Pertich ÁkosNagy Attila2024-05-27 14:00:00Visual associative learning abilities of children with obsessive-compulsive disorder or Tourette syndrome
Nyujtó DiánaNagy Attila2024-05-13 14:00:00The effects of halothane gas anesthesia on the visual neuronal activities in the feline caudate nucleus
Adlan Leatitia GabriellaHorváth GyöngyiKékesi Gabriella2024-04-30 10:00:00Electrophysiological and pharmacological characterization of a new schizophrenia rat model (Wisket)
Jójárt Boldizsár CsabaFarkas Klaudia2024-05-22 14:00:00Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1, as a novel faecal biomarker in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

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