Thesis topic proposal
Katalin Lipták
Analysis of the labour market processes


Institute: John Von Neumann University
business and management
John von Neumann University Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration

Thesis supervisor: Katalin Lipták
Location of studies (in Hungarian): NJU - Budapest
Abbreviation of location of studies: NJE

Description of the research topic:

The analysis of labour market processes and attempts to improve employability is relevant not only at the domestic level but also at the international level, as employment policy instruments or programmes developed by some regions as a solution can be put into practice in other regions with similar socio-economic conditions. The analysis of this issue is also relevant at company level, as employers face a number of challenges in terms of internal labour market or in recruiting younger generations. The international literature has focused on unemployment, unemployment and employability not only at national but also at regional level.
The transformation of the labour market raises the question of the economic and social reassessment of the concept of work and puts the issue of employment in a new light. Unemployment, which is a global problem, is increasingly being addressed at regional and local level. National employment policy objectives are not sufficient to solve the problems of labour markets. Other alternative solutions are also needed, such as the expansion of dual training in higher education and specific regional solutions that take account of territorial specificities.
What regional specificities can be identified in the analysis of statistical data on labour market processes?
What proposals for increasing employment are justified?
What are the characteristics of equal opportunities and disadvantaged marginal labour market groups, such as women, in terms of labour market participation?
How can the dual training system in higher education be made more effective?
The study uses a range of qualitative and quantitative analytical tools. In addition to the classical calculations, in-depth interviews and questionnaire surveys can be carried out.

Deadline for application: 2024-08-19

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