Thesis topic proposal
Regional development opportunities on the basis of UNESCO Global Geoparks


Institute: University of Sopron
business and management
István Széchenyi Economics and Management Doctoral School

Thesis supervisor: Judit Pappné Vancsó
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Soporn
Abbreviation of location of studies: SOE

Description of the research topic:

The UNESCO Global Geoparks Network has accumulated about twenty years of operational experience. The task of the geopark is to manage the landscape with a complex, holistic approach from the geological foundations through the past and recent biosphere taking into account the values of our built environment as well as our traditions and ethnographic values. Another important task of the geopark is to encourage environmental education as well as regional development together with the management of geotourism and with the support of local producers. The impacts of a geopark’s presence on the local’s well-being can probably be interpreted in a ten- or twenty years period. It would be necessary to research the changes in living standards, the cohesion of local societies and the measurable economic development by the presence in the case of those geoparks which were organized in marginal economic areas.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-08-20

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