Thesis topic proposal
Árpád Ferenc Papp-Váry
The role of city marketing and city branding in the competitiveness of cities


Institute: University of Sopron
business and management
István Széchenyi Economics and Management Doctoral School

Thesis supervisor: Árpád Ferenc Papp-Váry
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Soporn
Abbreviation of location of studies: SOE

Description of the research topic:

It is important for all cities to attract as many tourists as possible, in order to maximize the tourists’ spendings. It is also important to increase the number of investors and tax revenues, promote products grown or produced in the settlement, and motivate people to move here and work or study in the settlement.
Most importantly: it is vital to increase the satisfaction of locals living in the city, make them more proud of the place, and strengthen their identity.
One of the best tools serving this purpose is city marketing, or city branding. The former has been mentioned in literature many times, but the city as a brand approach, that is, city branding and place branding have not been widely discussed. But let us not be mislead: city branding is not only about a catchy slogan, a logo with a trendy design, or an advertising campaign. It is about cities developing a strategic focus, which enables them to stand strong within an increasing competition.
Therefore there are many various fields within the topic that can be researched. Relevant questions that can be examined with scientific vigor include:
- What traditional branding tools can city branding use?
- What brand models can be best applied, or developed for cities?
- What are the elements of good city branding rankings?
- How can we measure the brand equity of a city?
- What good practices exist in Europe and worldwide?
- What is city branding capable of, and what is it that we may not expect from it?
- How are the cities of each country marketed and branded, and how can we compare their competitiveness with international cities?

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-08-20

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