Thesis topic proposal
Katalin Szűcs Lászlóné Siska
The History of the Turkish Constitution - The Birth of Modern Turkey


Institute: University of Debrecen
Géza Marton Doctoral School of Legal Studies

Thesis supervisor: Katalin Szűcs Lászlóné Siska
Location of studies (in Hungarian): DE ÁJK C/7
Abbreviation of location of studies: C/7

Description of the research topic:

The first constitution of the Ottoman Empire was adopted in 1876 and revised in 1908. Since its founding, the modern Turkish state has been governed under four documents: The Constitution of 1921, The Constitution of 1924, The Constitution of 1961 and The Constitution of 1982. The current constitution of Turkey was ratified in 1982 and has been modified many times to keep up with global and regional geopolitical conjunctures. The last significant amendments were made in 2010. A minor amendment to Article 59, on the permissible means for challenging "decisions of sport federations relating to administration and discipline of sportive activities," was made in March 2011. Studying of the most significant documents of the Ottoman historical constitution makes understanding the developments of the modern Turkish State’s public law and constitutional law easier. The topic makes it possible to compare the Ottoman and Turkish constitutional law to the contemporary Hungarian and European constitutional practice as well.

Number of students who can be accepted: 2

Deadline for application: 2024-08-21

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