Thesis topic proposal
Katalin Szűcs Lászlóné Siska
Human Rights and International Migration


Institute: University of Debrecen
Géza Marton Doctoral School of Legal Studies

Thesis supervisor: Katalin Szűcs Lászlóné Siska
Location of studies (in Hungarian): DE ÁJK C/7
Abbreviation of location of studies: C/7

Description of the research topic:

State sovereignty over the centuries overwhelmed all other aspects, including individual interests and privileges. With the emergence of human rights and then with their appearance in the legal system of each nation, later with the adoption of international documents on human rights, the omnipotence of state sovereignty was broken. With my theme I emphasize that, while having recognized and legitimate national interest in the security of a country and its population, it is no less important to respect human rights even any different migration situation. Therefore in my opinion the research of the particular nationalism of a state its human rights guarantees and its migration law are closely related research areas.
I look forward to the application of those, who are interested in any subject relating to citizen law, human rights and migration law. The chosen theme may affect the historical aspects of the rights, including the appearance of the law, its manifestation in significant international legal documents which have high importance in the development of the chosen right, or its references in international or Hungarian legal documents and the manifestation of any of these rights in migration questions (as these researches make migration law problems understandable and correctly judged). I would appreciate if the candidate pays attention also to the various defensive mechanisms of the human rights, the operation of human rights law and the related case law of the different legal forums as well.

Number of students who can be accepted: 2

Deadline for application: 2024-08-21

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