Thesis topic proposal
Sergey Vinogradov
Human factors of the innovative work environment. Organizational social capital


Institute: John Von Neumann University
business and management
John von Neumann University Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration

Thesis supervisor: Sergey Vinogradov
Location of studies (in Hungarian): NJU-Budapest
Abbreviation of location of studies: NJE

Description of the research topic:

he following directions can be identified in research on human factors of innovative work environments:
1. Employee engagement and motivation: examining the role of employee engagement in promoting innovation and building organizational social capital.
2. Organizational relational capital: mapping and analyzing the structure of social relations, information flows, and knowledge networks within organizations, analysis of their effects on innovation and organizational social capital.
3. Team dynamics and collaboration: examining how team structures, communication patterns, and collaboration tools influence innovation and the strength of organizational social capital.
Organizational culture: analysis of the role of organizational culture in promoting innovation and shaping organizational social capital, including elements such as risk-taking, openness to change, and trust.
5. Knowledge sharing and learning: researching the mechanisms and strategies of knowledge sharing and learning processes in order to develop innovative thinking and strengthen organizational social capital.
6. Workplace design and environment: exploring how physical work environment design, ergonomics, and environmental factors influence creativity, collaboration, and social interactions that promote innovation and strengthen social capital.
7. Technology integration: examining the integration of technology, such as digital platforms and artificial intelligence tools, to promote innovation and support the creation of social capital networks within organizations.
The research begins with a bibliometric analysis of the subject area, during which specific research directions are identified. The planned research method is structural equation modeling (Structural Equation Modeling, SEM) to empirically verify the theoretical model, within the research framework conducted on a sample of employees

Deadline for application: 2024-08-19

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