Thesis topic proposal
György Csaba
Development of magnonic computing devices


Institute: Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest
electrical engineering
Roska Tamás Doctoral School of Sciences and Technology

Thesis supervisor: György Csaba
co-supervisor: Ádám Papp
Location of studies (in Hungarian): PPKE
Abbreviation of location of studies: PPKE

Description of the research topic:

Magnonic computing devices and microwave signal processing structures represent a promising group of 'beyond' Moore devices. Recently discovered machine learning methods have made it possible to program these devices for more complex tasks than before. The central task of the PhD work will be the design of complex spin-wave based devices, the development of new design methodologies and the realization of the devices - the latter in close collaboration with the magnetic research group at TU München. The most exploratory part of the work will be the development of novel learning and design methods that go beyond the currently used backpropagation-based techniques. We aim to create reconfigurable, programmable magnetonic structures. The work will consist of approximately 70% theoretical (simulation) and 30% experimental components.

Required language skills: English
Recommended language skills (in Hungarian): English
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-12-31

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