Thesis topic proposal
Infinite dimensional deterministic and stochastic dynamical systems: analysis and numerics


Institute: Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest
computer sciences
Roska Tamás Doctoral School of Sciences and Technology

Thesis supervisor: Mihály Kovács
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Pázmány Páter Catholic University, Faculty of Information Technology aand Bionics
Abbreviation of location of studies: PPKE

Description of the research topic:

Many physical phenomena, for example, in neurobiology, in quantum mechanics or when modeling the spread of tumors, may be described using infinite dimensional dynamical systems. When modelling these one often has to include variability in space and time associated with the model parameters and the uncertainty in these can have a profound effect on the model outcome and certainty of forecast. The proposed research will provide information concerning the quality of the models that include uncertainty and develop analytical and numerical tools to extract information from them in a reliable fashion.

Required language skills: English
Further requirements: 
A sound basic knowledge in real and complex analysis, stochastic analysis, functional analysis, partial differential equations and dynamical modeling, and advanced knowledge in computational and simulation tools.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-12-31

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