Thesis topic proposal
Lőrinc Márton
Attila Magyar
Distributed control of microgrid networks


Institute: University of Pannonia
computer sciences
Doctoral School of Information Science and Technology

Thesis supervisor: Attila Magyar
co-supervisor: Lőrinc Márton
Location of studies (in Hungarian): University of Pannonia, H-8200 Veszprém, Egyetem str. 10., Hungary
Abbreviation of location of studies: PE

Description of the research topic:

Within the framework of this topic, we want to examine the distributed control tasks arising in increasingly widespread microgrid networks. In the framework of our previous and ongoing research on quasi-polynomial and Lotka-Volterra systems [1], we provided an effective solution to the control issues of distributed Lotka-Volterra systems. In the framework of this doctoral topic, we would like to apply and extend this methodology to distributed electrical energy systems, typically microgrid networks. Previous research has shown that, e.g., the dynamic behaviour of node voltages in microgrid networks can be described with the Lotka-Volterra model. The aim of the research topic is to extend the existing results related to optimal control design to microgrid networks that can be modeled with Lotka-Volterra systems.

Preliminary results can be found in the following publications:
[1] Márton, L., Hangos, K. M., & Magyar, A. (2021). Passivity of Lotka–Volterra and quasi-polynomial systems. Nonlinearity, 34(4), 1880.
[2] Jafarian, M., Sandberg, H., & Johansson, K. H. (2018). The interconnection of quadratic droop voltage controllers is a Lotka-Volterra system: implications for stability analysis. IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2(2), 218-223.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-08-31

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