Thesis topic proposal
Tímea Heinerné Barzó
I. Personal and property relations of the subjects of civil law legal relationships, the dogmatical issues on the law of persons, the modern family law, and the law of ob


Institute: University of Miskolc
Ferenc Deak Doctoral School of Law

Thesis supervisor: Tímea Heinerné Barzó
Location of studies (in Hungarian): ME ÁJK
Abbreviation of location of studies: ÁJK

Description of the research topic:

- Modernization efforts on the aspect of legal capacity and legal competency, representation of children, theoretical issues of rights relating to personality, special place and adjudication of restitution, the connection to claims of personal rights, health care damages sues and copyright law.
- Within the framework of the research topic, the main areas of family law in respect of the harmonization and codification of the family law could be the subject of a research as well
In the doctoral subprograms the PhD students can carry out international and European comparative legal researches and analysis.

The clarification of the topic will be concluded according to the research plan discussed by the applicants and supervisors.

Recommended language skills (in Hungarian): angol
Number of students who can be accepted: 2

Deadline for application: 2024-12-31

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