Thesis topic proposal
Anna Kérchy
The Literary Fantastic: from Gothic to Postmodernism; Theories of the Fantastic


Institute: University of Szeged
Doctoral School of Literary and Cultural Studies

Thesis supervisor: Anna Kérchy
Location of studies (in Hungarian): oktató szobája
Abbreviation of location of studies: 3303

Description of the research topic:

Exploring fantastic imagination, theories and genres of the literary fantastic (with a focus on comparing the victorian and the postmodern eras) Especially magic realism, nonsense fantasies, fairy tales, children's/ young adult literature of the 19th-21st centuries. Theories of transgression, monstrosity, inter/transmedial dynamics. Imaginative reluctance, Dis/re-enchantment, meta-fantasy.

Recommended language skills (in Hungarian): english
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2025-03-31

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