Thesis topic proposal
Causation and ethics


Institute: University of Pécs
Doctoral School of Philosophy

Thesis supervisor: László Halász
Location of studies (in Hungarian): https://kpvk.pte.hu/hu/filozofia_doktori_iskola
Abbreviation of location of studies: KPVK

Description of the research topic:

The relationship between causation and ethics in the philosophical literature is asymmetrical. On the one hand, ethical works mostly postulate a close relationship with causation, but on the other hand, the discussion of causation usually takes place without ethical considerations. The latter approach contradicts the empirical basic situation in which the role of the observing subject is not negligible. The subject, when observing causation, has a double freedom: on the one hand, it can determine what she/he observes, and on the other hand, given the underdetermination of the observed systems, she/he can determine the model by which the observational data is interpreted. Due to freedom, the subject is faced with decision-making situations, which, in addition to specific way of actions, also includes the possibility of setting goals. Based on these considerations ethical problems relating to causation should be examined. As a starting point, I propose the ethics of Nicolai Hartmann.

Deadline for application: 2024-08-31

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