Thesis topic proposal
Jolán Orbán
Deconstructing Literature and Literary Theory in Hungary


Institute: University of Pécs
Doctoral School of Literary and Cultural Studies

Thesis supervisor: Jolán Orbán
Location of studies (in Hungarian): PTE Irodalomtudományi Doktori Iskola
Abbreviation of location of studies: IroDI

Description of the research topic:

From the nineties deconstruction is present also in Hungary, is part of literary and philosophical thinking, of discussions about the ideology, institution and canon-formation. We can investigate this questions focusing on five topics (1) investigation of deconstruction at work in literary theory, media theory, ideological and institutional discussions, (2) investigation of deconstruction at work in the text-interpretations, (3) translation research -- investigation of the references found in the texts of Derrida on Hungarian poets (Babits), theorists (Fónagy Iván, Ábrahám Miklós, Török Mária) and Artist (Hantai), (4) investigation of the deconstructive strategies in contemporary literature in Hungary, (5) investigation of the

theoretical and practical impact of deconstuction in the literature and literary criticism in Hungarian minority literatures in Transilvania, Vajdaság, Felvidék, as well as in European and American emigrant and migrant literature and art.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-07-01

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