Thesis topic proposal
Richárd Szántó
Behavioral economics and behavioral interventions


Institute: Corvinus University of Budapest
business and management
Doctoral School of Economics, Business and Informatics

Thesis supervisor: Richárd Szántó
Location of studies (in Hungarian): CUB
Abbreviation of location of studies: CUB

Description of the research topic:

Behavioral economics and behavioral interventions. We make thousands of decisions every day, and they are far from perfect, or at least they are boundedly rational. Decision making has a heuristic nature that may generate biases that were demonstrated in various experiments. Some researchers believe these heuristics do work well, and they sometimes overperform econometric models. The concept of nudge, developed by Thaler and Sunstein, is about behavioral interventions. Decision architects can design, based on the findings of behavioral economics, an environment where people can make better choices in the field of healthcare, savings, sustainability, diet, and many more.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-12-31

2024. VII. 26.
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