Thesis topic proposal
József Bíró
Processor Sharing Models for Elastic Traffic Dimensioning


Institute: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
computer sciences
Doctoral School of Informatics

Thesis supervisor: József Bíró
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Távközlési és Médiainformatikai Tanszék
Abbreviation of location of studies: TMIT

Description of the research topic:

Modern mobile telecommunications networks and high speed data packet services need the elaboration of new congestion avoidance methods, i.e., link dimensioning, in order to ensure the appropriate Quality of Service (QoS) and Service Differentiation. For link dimensioning purposes bandwidth sharing models are needed, especially for the elastic-type (compressible) traffic flows. Such models describing the flow-level performance of elastic flows have been widely studied in the literature, however, further research is needed to find new capacity sharing models which has the ability to tackle practical traffic and service related characteristics (like rate limitations on users’ access, differentiating service classes). The research objectives also incorporates the establishment and evaluation of new network traffic management functions based on the performance evaluation results.
Kutatási feladatok:
- Efficient analytical and/or numerical methods for solving large and strongly coupled queuing systems with discriminatory and capacity redistribution properties
- The impact of network load on the transfer rates seen by users in discriminatory processor sharing queuing systems
- Dimensioning procedures for the required buffering space and/or transmision rates of elastic traffic flows

Required language skills: English
Further requirements: 
- strong mathematical background, especially in stochastic modelling and probability theory
- experience in computer programming

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2018-01-06

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