Thesis topic proposal
Evaluation of obesity and further metabolic factors in patients with Sjögren’s syndrome


Institute: University of Debrecen
clinical medicine
Gyula Petrányi Doctoral School of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

Thesis supervisor: Antónia Szántó
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Klinikai Immunológiai Tanszék
Abbreviation of location of studies: KIT

Description of the research topic:

Aim of the work is to evaluate how obesity influences the disease course of patients with Sjögren’s syndrome. Beside traditional metabolic parameters, adipokines are also planned to be measured. Moreover, potential correlations are searched between the aforementioned factors and further disease-characteristic measures.

Required language skills: angol
Further requirements: 
jártasság Sjögren-szindrómás betegek gondozásában, a Sjögren-szindróma betegségaktivitási indexeinek (ESSDAI, ESSPRI) számításában, jártasság a metabolikus eltérések belgyógyászati vonatkozásaiban, releváns irodalom magabiztos ismerete, felhasználói

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-06-30