Thesis topic proposal
Ákos Török
Numerical calculations and modelling of changes in stone and at stone/mortar interface


Institute: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
civil engineering
Pál Vásárhelyi Doctoral School of Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Ákos Török
Location of studies (in Hungarian): BME Department of Engineering Geology and Geotechnics
Abbreviation of location of studies: BMEGM

Description of the research topic:

Significant amount of historic monuments were made of stone and mortar and the preservation of these construction materials requires the understanding of their deterioration processes. It has been known for many years that several factors are responsible for stone decay. The main trigger mechanisms are related to temperature changes, to salt crystallisation, to changes in humidity and moisture, air pollution. The observation of these changes on time can be made by developing an intelligent monitoring system. This system provides continuous, uninterrupted information on the condition of the monumental stone and historic mortar by different sensors and allows for the planning of the restoration prior to severe adverse effects. The PhD programme focuses on the calculation and numerical modelling of these changes. The input data for the modelling will be obtained from laboratory tests and data collected by sensors. The candidate will perform numerical modelling by using FEM software. Rocscience software family is available at our department and additional software will be accessed via international and national co-operation (FLAC 3D). These models will be adopted and used to characterize stone and mortar decay and processes acting at stone/mortar interface The numerical models are verified by laboratory and in situ experiments that allow the description of these changes. The PhD topic is related to the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (OTKA-NKFI) supported project lead by the supervisor: ‘Surface properties of monumental stone and restoration mortar; monitoring the changes’ (ref. no. K 116532).

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-05-31