Thesis topic proposal
Norbert Sipos
Project management approaches and practices – the regional impact


Institute: University of Pécs
Doctoral School in Regional Policy and Economics

Thesis supervisor: Norbert Sipos
Location of studies (in Hungarian): H-7622 Pécs, Rákóczi út 80.
Abbreviation of location of studies: KTK

Description of the research topic:

The past decades have been based on joint work in projects, but the related knowledge is contingent, and the selection of appropriate methods is questionable. Traditional project management practices are often too rigid, while agility and new approaches are not implemented according to their actual effects; the system lacks solutions, approaches, and training that support the transition. The system diagnostic approach itself is a series of attempts, while poor project management results in a loss of resource efficiency.
Both in Hungary and within the European Union, development and the elimination of regional differences are based significantly on tender resources. Project management logic and a holistic approach are also necessary for writing the application, since the competition is increasing, and already at the time of submission, the application must be able to illustrate the applied approaches, the planned project documentation procedures, and the indicators necessary to success evaluation. Project management, as an independent research topic, is not a viable one. Still, at the same time, the support of each topic through the elements related to the broad area of project management, its qualitative and quantitative approach means a novelty and publication potential that contributes to a deeper understanding of the field, and the theory and to connect the practice.

Possible research directions:
- Examining the differences of a university technological spin-off project according to the method/the territorial effect
- Examining the characteristics of agile project management techniques/the territorial effect
- Transitions between traditional and agile project management in EU/EU regions

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-09-30