Thesis topic proposal
Zsuzsanna Ördögné Dr. habil. Kolbert
Inducing plant fungal resistance by reactive nitrogen species liberating nanomaterials


Institute: University of Szeged
Doctoral School of Biology

Thesis supervisor: Zsuzsanna Ördögné Dr. habil. Kolbert
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Department of Plant Biology, University of Szeged
Abbreviation of location of studies: SZTE

Description of the research topic:

Pathogenic fungi cause significant crop losses year after year in the case of our agricultural plants. Mitigating fungal damage and thereby increasing crop yield in a sustainable manner are two important challenges of modern agriculture. The resistance of plants against pathogenic fungi can be increased by priming, which means external treatment of seeds or green plants with known elements of protection, such as nitric oxide (NO). The stability thus the priming capacity of conventional NO donor compounds is moderate. Based on available literature and on own preliminary results, we assume that the stability and priming efficiency of NO donors can be increased by nanoparticles. Nanoparticles are 1-100 nanometre-sized materials with a small mass and a large surface area, and have a positive effect on plants when applied in low concentration. Nanoparticles with known antimicrobial effects or plant defense activation effect are added to the NO donor compounds or used as a nanocapsule, so that in addition to stabilizing the compound, the antifungal effect will be enhanced according to our assumption. Additionally, we will synthesize a new, potential priming agent and study its priming efficiency and the molecular mechanisms of its action in fungus-infected model plant (goosegrass) and crop (tomato). By supporting the priming effect of novel nanomaterials, this research provides new knowledge for the efficient use of nanoparticles in plant cultivation and creates the scientific basis for the introduction of these materials into crop production.

Required language skills: English
Number of students who can be accepted: 2

Deadline for application: 2024-08-31