Thesis topic proposal
Assessment of the decisive factors in the prevention of the development and the progrewion of polyneuropathy in endocrine disorders


Institute: University of Szeged
theoretical medicine
Doctoral School of Interdisciplinary Medicine

Thesis supervisor: Tamás Várkonyi
Location of studies (in Hungarian): University of Szeged Faculty of Medicine 1-st Department of Internal Medicine
Abbreviation of location of studies: Bel.K

Description of the research topic:

The aim of our studies is to define those pathogenetic factors which are responsible for the development and progression of polyneuropathy. The exploration of these pathogenetic pathways ensures the effective prevention of this complication and achievement of less severe progression. Polyneuropathy seriously impairs quality of life and the autonomic manifestation might lead to life threatening events resulting a poor life expectancy. Our studies are done on patient groups with diseases associated with polyneuropathy (diabetes, hypothyroidism, acromegaly, polycystic ovary syndrome).

Required language skills: english
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-12-31