Thesis topic proposal
Márta Széll
Nikoletta Nagy
Investigations of phenotype modifier factors in rare diseases


Institute: University of Szeged
theoretical medicine
Doctoral School of Interdisciplinary Medicine

Thesis supervisor: Nikoletta Nagy
co-supervisor: Márta Széll
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Institut of Medical Genetic Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School University of Szeged
Abbreviation of location of studies: OGEN

Description of the research topic:

Regarding the rare monogenic diseases, the presence of a disease-causing genetic variant is usually cruicial in the development of the disease, however further genetic and non-genetic modifying factors also play a role in the observed phenotypic diversity of the patients. We aim to identify phenotype modifier factors, which contributes to the better understanding of the phenotypic diversity of the investigated patients, the mechanisms of the investigated rare diseases and to the elucidation of missing heritability. Our investigations focus ont he following rare monogenic diseases: CYLD cutaneous syndrome, oculocutaneous albinism and Papillon-Lefevre syndrome.

Required language skills: english
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-12-31