Thesis topic proposal
András Tóth
Network Enabled Capability support in centric warfare in NATO Operations


Institute: National University of Public Service, Budapest
military sciences
Doctoral School of Military Sciences

Thesis supervisor: András Tóth
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Doctoral School of Military Science
Abbreviation of location of studies: DSMS

Description of the research topic:

An essential element for the success of military operations is a reliable, interoperable info-communication environment available in all circumstances. For this, it is essential to use national and international tools, systems and networks that comply with the standards and frameworks defined by the multinational agreements, as well as with the developed and planned communication environments.

Research of info-communication and information security systems of the armed forces of the federal environment. Analysis of the current legal environment applied principles, procedures and standards. Examining the technical solutions used in the developed systems, with particular regard to compatibility and interoperability issues.

As a result of the research activity, the info-communication systems used by multinational military forces and their information security issues will be analyzed using primary and secondary research methodologies. A proposal will be made for an info-communication environment applicable to all member states, which will provide an opportunity for member states to share information in peacetime and areas of operations in a continuously available, secure communication environment.

Number of students who can be accepted: 2

Deadline for application: 2024-06-30