Thesis topic proposal
Gábor Boldizsár
Military Tasks of State-building, Particulary in Administrative, Economic and Security Area


Institute: National University of Public Service, Budapest
military sciences
Doctoral School of Military Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Gábor Boldizsár
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Doctoral School of Military Science
Abbreviation of location of studies: DSMS

Description of the research topic:

Today's complex challenges have to be handled by complex responses which include several actors of different special fields and their interactions.
The main Three security dimension (political-governance, economy and military-or hard security) are essential for stable and sustainable state which can be an accountable and credible international partner.
In crisis areas the military security -mainly maintained by international and local military forces and some other security actors- is fundamental for governance and economic development as part of state building.
Armed Forces earned large scale of experiences in state building international efforts as part of the past and present complex military operations all over the Globe.

Number of students who can be accepted: 2

Deadline for application: 2024-06-30