Thesis topic proposal
Changes in the Depiction of the Army in Public Education Textbooks


Institute: National University of Public Service, Budapest
military sciences
Doctoral School of Military Sciences

Thesis supervisor: János Tibor Karlovitz
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Doctoral School of Military Science
Abbreviation of location of studies: DSMS

Description of the research topic:

The history of modern textbook publishing in Europe goes back roughly a century and a half, and this includes the two world wars. Children learn the compulsory knowledge prescribed in the curricula from the textbooks and from the teacher's explanations attached to them. The students meet with the topic of war mainly through history teaching. During the work, the doctoral student selects the public education textbooks of a country or region for the analysis, delimits the period for examination, and decides which primary approach to use (iconography, text analysis).

Number of students who can be accepted: 2

Deadline for application: 2024-06-30