Thesis topic proposal
Mihály Hegedűs
Sándor Balogh
Impact of changes in the organisational structure of the Hungarian health care system on health institutions


Institute: University of Pécs
general health sciences
Doctoral School of Health Sciences

Thesis supervisor: Sándor Balogh
co-supervisor: Mihály Hegedűs
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Doctoral School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pécs, Pécs, Hungary
Abbreviation of location of studies: EDI

Description of the research topic:

Aim: By answering the hypotheses and research questions, draw the attention of health policy makers to the "side effects" caused by integrations, proving that the fundamental principles set forth by professional policy-making in the Semmelweis Plan regarding the integration of hospitals have not been realized: Currently, hospital integrations in Hungary are not effective. The reduction in the number of parallel services is not relevant (due to distance and other reasons). There is currently no transparency in the case of integrated small hospitals, which deteriorates efficiency and demotivates leaders. Functional integration and transparency also motivate the leaders of small hospitals to achieve more efficient operation. Achieving efficiency is more rational in a structure different from the currently applied organizational structure, which makes every hospital leader interested in creating a "good steward" mindset. The principle of fairness for patients is more likely to be achieved in a divisional organization than in the current one. The scarce resources are currently not allocated according to needs among the integrated institutions. It can be concluded that the integrations carried out can be rational and irrational.

Required language skills: English language exam B2 level
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-05-31