Thesis topic proposal
Purchasing and supply management


Institute: Corvinus University of Budapest
business and management
Doctoral School of Business and Management

Thesis supervisor: Gyöngyi Vörösmarty
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Corvinus
Abbreviation of location of studies: CUB

Description of the research topic:

Procurement and supply management is an important area of magament. Its tools and objectives are evolving significantly, with the increasing importance of digitalisation, analytics-based decision making, risk management and sustainability. As procurement has a significant impact on corporate operations and supplier networks, research is addressing many aspects of this area. Key topics:
- green procurement and corporate social responsibility,
- information systems,
- procurement competences,
- supporting innovation

Further requirements: 
Good analytical skills.
Openness to multidisciplinary approaches.
Commitment to learning and exploring new knowledge

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-12-31