Thesis topic proposal
Ágnes Szukits
Data-driven management and control


Institute: Corvinus University of Budapest
business and management
Doctoral School of Business and Management

Thesis supervisor: Ágnes Szukits
Location of studies (in Hungarian): CUB
Abbreviation of location of studies: BCE

Description of the research topic:

Due to the continuous technological innovations of the last decade, the range of data assets available to organizations, their analytical techniques, and the information newly available to management is constantly expanding. Companies invest a lot of resources, money and time in developing their technological and human professional backgrounds, yet we still know little about how all of this is changing the way organizations operate, including management control practices. How will the surge in available data and advanced data analysis techniques improve the supply of information? Is this numerical information relevant to decision support? What happens when the data, such as the predictions based on quantitative models contradict the manager's previous experiences and intuitions? What is the role of controllers in data analysis? I invite those interested to answer these or similar questions.

Further requirements: 
The doctoral student should be interested in the topic, have a research vein and sufficient language skills to review the English language literature. He / she aims for the further development of proficiency in the synthesis of the literature.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-12-31