Thesis topic proposal
Dávid Losonci
Firm competitiveness


Institute: Corvinus University of Budapest
business and management
Doctoral School of Business and Management

Thesis supervisor: Dávid Losonci
Location of studies (in Hungarian): CUB
Abbreviation of location of studies: BCE

Description of the research topic:

Today, competitiveness is one of the most widespread concepts in business and management. Its complexity is well indicated by the fact that it appears at many levels in the economy, e.g. national, sectoral, industrial, regional and firm levels. In our research, we focus on firm competitiveness. However, its potential embeddedness into other layers of competitiveness could be also explored. Our work is related to the Competitiveness Research Centre hosted by the Institute of Business Economics. The firm competitiveness index is the starting point of the research. The index can serve as a basis for either quantitative or qualitative research. The quantitative direction is stronger today. It is possible to analyse the research centre’s corporate survey or other corporate databases as well (e.g., Orbis). Databases available for several years bears the opportunity for long-term, even longitudinal, analyses. We strive to provide a solid theoretical foundation for our high-quality empirical research.

Required language skills: English
Further requirements: 
intermediate / advanced knowledge of English
openness to research methodology training
good communication skill
an advantage: TDK experience, demonstrated expertise in research methodology

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-12-31