Thesis topic proposal
Dávid Losonci
The impact of process innovation on business performance


Institute: Corvinus University of Budapest
business and management
Doctoral School of Business and Management

Thesis supervisor: Dávid Losonci
Location of studies (in Hungarian): CUB
Abbreviation of location of studies: BCE

Description of the research topic:

In last decades several process innovation approaches have emerged. In the manufacturing industry, novel concepts like quality management, lean management, or currently digitalisation (industry 4.0) have been developed and refined. Research will focus on topics such as: (i) the tools and technologies of a specific process innovation; (ii) the challenges of its introduction, given that it usually requires adaptation at organizational level and is therefore effective together with other business (process) innovations (e.g., product, organizational); (iii) effects on operational and / or financial performance and / or competitiveness. We examine these innovation concepts using both quantitative (e.g., corporate databases) and qualitative methodologies (e.g., case studies). We can go beyond the manufacturing industry. There are also open questions from a theoretical point of view: how can these innovation concepts be related to the theories of management science?

Required language skills: English
Further requirements: 
intermediate / advanced knowledge of English
openness to research methodology training
good communication skill
an advantage: TDK experience, demonstrated expertise in research methodology

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-12-31