Thesis topic proposal
Philosophy and its sister-sciences in the archaic and classical period.


Institute: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
Doctoral School of Philosophy

Thesis supervisor: István Bárány
Location of studies (in Hungarian): ELTE BTK
Abbreviation of location of studies: ELTE

Description of the research topic:

Students wishing to work on the relationship and connections between archaic and classical philosophy (the Presocratics, Plato, Aristotle, Hellenistic philosophy) and its sister sciences are invited to apply. Sister sciences should be broadly understood: the exact sciences, medicine, music, poetics, poetry, mythology, religion, theology, political sciences, etc.

Required language skills: english
Recommended language skills (in Hungarian): greek, latin
Further requirements: 
Megkezdett klasszikus nyelvi tanulmányok – a doktorandusoknak az első évtől be kell kapcsolódnia a görög (egyes témáknál latin) szövegolvasási órákba.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-05-06