Thesis topic proposal
Róbert Somogyi
Digital two-sided platforms and their applications in finance


Institute: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
business and management
Doctoral School of Business and Management

Thesis supervisor: Róbert Somogyi
Location of studies (in Hungarian): 1117 Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 2. Q building A wing
Abbreviation of location of studies: BME Q

Description of the research topic:

In the past decade, digital platforms have become widespread in the economy in general, and in finance in particular. These intermediaries connect two distinct groups of agents (e.g., buyers and sellers), taking advantage of the positive cross-group externalities between them. For instance, Visa grew to be one of the largest financial-services firms by connecting the merchants to cardholders.
Many policy-relevant questions arise about the optimal pricing structure of such firms, how they differ from traditional players in their sector, how their practices affect social welfare, and whether and how authorities should regulate them.

Required language skills: english
Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-05-31