Thesis topic proposal
Vamsi Kiran Adhikarla
Péter Szolgay
Perceptually-aware Immersive Content capture, processing and display


Institute: Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest
computer sciences
Roska Tamás Doctoral School of Sciences and Technology

Thesis supervisor: Péter Szolgay
co-supervisor: Vamsi Kiran Adhikarla
Location of studies (in Hungarian): PPCU Roska Tamás Doctoral School of Sciences and Technology
Abbreviation of location of studies: PPCU

Description of the research topic:

Markets for Immersive Visual Technologies (IVT) such as Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality have been growing fast in recent years. Most of the current applications are based on computer-generated content, e.g. computer games. However, there has been a substantial interest in adding real-world live content to IVT. Volumetric imaging technologies produce 3D volume renderings from 2D images and allow to synthesize arbitrary viewing positions which is a required component for the immersive visualization of real-world scenes. Current volumetric imaging technologies are limited in terms of spatial and temporal resolution as well as dynamic range of reproducible colours. This is due to deficient sensors and lack of powerful algorithms and computing platforms which hinder the targeted level of immersion. The aim of CAPTIVATE project is to overcome these limitations by making two key innovations: First, the project proposes new volumetric High Dynamic Range (HDR) video capture. Second, computational models of the Human Visual System (HVS) will be used to assess and guide the entire pipeline from active multi-modal sensor combination and placement over processing in terms of light field to reproduction on emerging devices such as Light Field and Head Mounted Displays. The efficiency of the entire system will be achieved by means of new parallel visual computing algorithms and its effectiveness will be validated in extensive user studies. The project has the potential to deliver valuable solutions to the Europe’s high-tech industries in the emerging field of IVT.

Required language skills: English
Recommended language skills (in Hungarian): English
Further requirements: 
Required MSc in Computer Science or a closely related field
Required Skills/Qualifications: programming (C/C++, MATLAB),proficiency in GPU programming

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-05-31