Thesis topic proposal
Urban Rehabilitation after the Second World War - Concepts of Urban and Landscape-Scale Heritage in the Planning History of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century


Institute: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Pál Csonka Doctoral School of Architecture

Thesis supervisor: Domonkos Wettstein
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Department of Urban Planning and Design
Abbreviation of location of studies: BME

Description of the research topic:

The period of reconstruction after the Second World War coincided with the
emergence of urban planning as an independent specialty in the history of the profession. The new scale of the tasks prioritized not only modern architecture, but also urban planning concepts and the issue of urban-scale heritage protection. Although the late modern architectural heritage of the period has already been examined by several thematic researches, the history of urban design has not yet been comprehensively elaborated beyond one sub-theme, even though the heritage of the period is at the forefront of social interest and
debate. In addition to modern architectural works, there is an increasing need for a conceptual processing of the history of urban planning.
The planning history of urban design has become an independent field in the international discourse in recent decades. In addition to the urban and
architectural historical analysis of the implemented interventions, the research methods emphasize the conceptual analysis of planning tools, and use the tools of ideological history writing to examine the historical planning dynamics of the era. The Hungarian urban planning of the second half of the twentieth century has so far been examined mainly from the point of view of the built works and methods of installation, while it would be necessary to process the heritage of the era along the lines of planning history concepts and also at the level of the history of ideas.
The aim of the research is the historical elaboration of the urban planning
practice that developed after the war, primarily through Hungarian professional history, but it is necessary to place the topic in an international context and to compare the different trends in Eastern and Western Europe. The interdisciplinary approach approaches the topic of rehabilitation from the perspective of urban planning, but it is necessary to analyze the relationships established with architectural design and monument protection. The investigation can focus on the conceptual analysis of the interpretation of landscape and urban heritage, the rehabilitation of historical neighborhoods, the institutional history of urban planning workshops, and the interdisciplinary professional history of architecture, urban planning, and landscape architecture,
which diverged in the era.
In addition to the historical processing, the investigation can also focus on
contemporary questions regarding the heritage of the era. In urban-scale
heritage protection, the concept of the historic urban landscape is becoming more and more decisive, which gives a new, broader-scale perspective to the management of urban heritage. The concept also places great emphasis on community interpretations and narratives. At the same time, the integration of the recent urban architectural heritage has not yet taken place. That is why it may be necessary to interpret the narratives of local communities and the strategies of community communication for the social processing of modern architecture. The results of planning history research can also contribute to
answering the questions of heritage management.

Deadline for application: 2024-05-25