Thesis topic proposal
György Károlyi
Transient chaos in dissipative mechanical systems


Institute: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Pál Csonka Doctoral School of Architecture

Thesis supervisor: György Károlyi
Location of studies (in Hungarian): BUTE
Abbreviation of location of studies: BME

Description of the research topic:

Engineering structures often exhibit complex, chaotic motion for a short period of time, e.g. after switching on, before relaxing in a simple final state. To date, two important classes of transient chaos have been explained. The first class contains systems that conserve their mechanical energy during motion, the second class deals with dissipative driven systems. In both cases, transient chaos is explained in terms of the existence a fractal subset of the initial conditions leading to eternal chaotic, unpredictable behaviour. There is, however, another class of transient chaotic behaviour neglected in the literature, that of purely dissipative mechanical systems. Since in real systems energy is constantly depleted, this class is probably the most important from a practical point of view, but in this case no eternal chaotic behaviour is possible due to the loss of energy. During the doctoral research, we try to discover the general properties of dissipative transient chaos through detailed investigation of simple mechanical systems.

Deadline for application: 2024-05-25