Thesis topic proposal
Balázs Halmos
Geometry and Proportion in the Hungarian Renaissance Architecture


Institute: Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Pál Csonka Doctoral School of Architecture

Thesis supervisor: Balázs Halmos
Location of studies (in Hungarian): Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Abbreviation of location of studies: BME

Description of the research topic:

The topic is the continuation of the former research project „Geometrical
questions of Gothic architectural details”, that resulted in a PhD degree by
Krisztina Fehér. The topic is extended towards the Hungarian Renaissance
architectural details. The emphasis will be put on the comparative analysis of the geometrical constructing and proportioning methods of profiled architectural
details originating from Renaissance buildings before 1541. Research will be
based on true-to-form survey supported by 3D scanning and digital modelling
of the fragments in question. Points of reference for the discovery of possible
constructing methods will be provided by the examination of the spreading
process of architectural theory in the 15-16th century Kingdom of Hungary,
contemporary illustrations, as well as the international literature of the topic.
Beyond the detail, whenever it is possible, the disposition of the whole building
will be analyzed in order to understand the relationship between the
proportioning of the details and the whole building. Besides their importance
form a design-historical point of view the results can provide assistance for the
theoretical reconstruction of certain fragments or structures. The comparative
analysis opens the possibility to discover the connections of certain workshops.
Putting the results into an international context the range of the activity of
certain Italian or Dalmatian masters can be specified.

Deadline for application: 2024-05-25