Thesis topic proposal
Viktória Szente
Research fields and possible research directions


Institute: John Von Neumann University
business and management
John von Neumann University Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration

Thesis supervisor: Viktória Szente
Location of studies (in Hungarian): NJU-Budapest
Abbreviation of location of studies: NJE

Description of the research topic:

The policy plans of the European Union strongly support short chains as an alternative to multi-actor supply chains, which are safer and more predictable for producers, manufacturers and consumers alike. Short supply chains are a good alternative for companies, as long as customer relationships play an important role in the sale of their products/services, whether it is to increase trust or to satisfy special individual needs. The topic searches for real alternatives, both theoretically and practically, that can help diversify the company's strategy, based on modern technological solutions.
Possible research directions:
1. Possibilities of using digital tools in the development of short supply chains
Short chains appeared as a kind of countertrend to the long supply chains typical of the global economy. The larger capital was also able to put more knowledge behind it, so in order to preserve the competitive position, the SSCs players need new, modern tools in sales as well. The research topic deals with the search for and adaptation of digital technology opportunities that can help companies operate effectively and develop their effective marketing strategies on national and international markets. The research uses both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods.
2. Segmentation based on consumer segments in short supply chains
Consumer behavior is constantly changing, and there are many influencing factors behind the motivations. Getting to know them and following them continuously during the operation of
companies is essential. In the case of SSCs, research typically identifies specific behavioral characteristics. During the research, we identify the consumer target groups necessary for management decisions, their characteristics, for which we use the latest online marketing research techniques as a solution.

Deadline for application: 2024-08-19