Thesis topic proposal
Judit Oláh
The effects of circular economy and green supply chain management on company performance


Institute: John Von Neumann University
business and management
John von Neumann University Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration

Thesis supervisor: Judit Oláh
Location of studies (in Hungarian): John von Neumann University Budapest
Abbreviation of location of studies: NJE

Description of the research topic:

At the beginning of the third millennium, it was proven that we need to achieve a systemic change in the production, consumption and waste of goods. By developing the circular bioeconomy, we can find new and innovative solutions for the production of food, energy and other products without exhausting the Earth's finite biological resources. The current economic structure is linear: after the raw materials are extracted, the products are manufactured, consumers use them, and finally they become primarily waste without recycling.
The circular economy and green supply chain are emerging sustainability development concepts that can help boost economic growth while also addressing environmental and resource issues. Similarly, green supply chain management primarily focuses on enhancing environmental performance, but can also be linked to greater economic performance.
The circular indicator covers a radically different theory and approach compared to the usual economic system. The primary goal and main advantage of the model is that it keeps resources within economic processes, thus minimizing the generation of waste, and its fundamental element is reuse. Out of dozens of business models, the circular economy is mainly based on five main business models, which are already successfully applied in practice by many companies. These five models can be used alone or in combination with each other, depending on which ones best fit the company's profile and activities. 1. Circular delivery, 2. Resource recovery, 3. Product life extension, 4. Shared platforms, 5. Product as a service.
The circular economy is an important element for the modernization and transformation of the European economy in the spirit of sustainability. It has a serious economic impact, thanks to which companies can gain significant profits, so they can become more competitive with significant energy savings and environmental benefits, and it also creates jobs and social integration opportunities at the local level.

Possible research directions
The research analyzes the impact of circular economy and green supply chain management activities on the company's financial, environmental and economic performance.
Examining circular models, in addition to being sustainable, can also increase the efficiency of companies, reduce costs, stimulate research and development and innovation, giving pioneers a competitive advantage.
Analyzing the areas of green supply chain management can be a key approach for businesses that want to make their businesses environmentally sustainable.

• József Popp and Sándor Kovács and Judit Oláh and Zoltán Divéki and Ervin Balázs (2021): Bioeconomy: Biomass and biomass-based energy supply and demand. New Biotechnology, 60, 76-84,, Q1, IF: 4.67
• Oláh Judit és Popp József (2021): A fenntartható fejlődés záloga a körforgásos bioökonómia. Szaktudás Kiadó Ház Zrt., Budapest, Szerkesztők: Oláh Judit és Popp József, 1-101.p. ISBN: 978-963-575-003-0,
• Boyao Zhang and Ubaldo Comite and Ali Gokhan Yucel and Xintao Liu and Mohammed Arshad Khan and Shahid Husain and Muhammad Safdar Sial and József Popp and Judit Oláh (2021): Unleashing the Importance of TQM and Knowledge Management for Organizational Sustainability in the Age of Circular Economy. Sustainability, 13(20), 11514, 1-18.p.,,, Q1, IF: 3.889
• Oláh Judit (2022): A körforgásos bioökonómia hatása az élelmezés-, energia- és környezetbiztonság alakulására a 2050-ig szóló EU Stratégia tükrében. Szaktudás Kiadó Ház, 1-221.p., ISBN: 978-963-575-060-3,
• Satar Bakhsh and Wei Zhang and Kishwar Ali and Judit Oláh (2024): Strategy towards sustainable energy transition: The effect of environmental governance, economic complexity and geopolitics. Energy Strategy Reviews, 52, 101330, 1-19.,,, D1, IF: 8.2

Deadline for application: 2024-08-19