Thesis topic proposal
Márton Battay
Management issues for hunting and management organisations


Institute: John Von Neumann University
business and management
John von Neumann University Doctoral School of Management and Business Administration

Thesis supervisor: Márton Battay
Location of studies (in Hungarian): NJU- Budapest
Abbreviation of location of studies: NJE

Description of the research topic:

The research aims to explore the possibilities for improving the organisation and management of hunting rights related to agricultural land, with a view to formulating new proposals for simpler and more transparent administration and responsibilities, and more efficient management.
The volume of agricultural production and the turnover per hectare are so significant that the overall management of wildlife is negligible in comparison. However, hunting and game management cannot be considered as a purely economic sector, nor can its sustainability be assessed solely from an economic point of view, as it is part of our national heritage and a mean of preserving biodiversity.
A significant proportion of hunting rights holders carry out their activities in an associative, non-profit form, and therefore must perform medium-scale management and professional management tasks in a non-profit form, typically in the form of social work. In addition to the current management structure, new proposals should also be developed for the administrative, organisational and representation system.
Possible research directions:
- Developing new solutions for the management, operational form and structure of hunting administration organisations;
- Explore possible directions for the development of the system of organisation and representation of hunting management.

Deadline for application: 2024-08-19