Thesis topic proposal
Péter Korondi
Cognitive Telemanipulation


Institute: University of Debrecen
mechanical engineering
Pekár Imre Doctoral School of Mechanical Engineering

Thesis supervisor: Péter Korondi
Location of studies (in Hungarian): University of Debrecen Faculty of Engineering
Abbreviation of location of studies: DE MK

Description of the research topic:

We want to supplement the usual telemanipulation system with telepresence that utilizes the plasticity of our brain. We call it telepresence when we use technical means to achieve the psychological feeling that we are "there" in a remote environment and physically feel the remote environment.
The purpose of the research:
The goal is to implement a cognitive infocommunication channel that does not simply transmit signals between the master and the slave side without changes, but builds on the fact that our brain can expand and transform the information received by our senses, creating a new, cognitive human-machine interaction Who. This paves the way for the construction of simpler and cheaper telepresence devices. The price of this is that we also have to use our brain with the "Brain in the loop" technique. We are looking for solutions when we subconsciously transform one type of information into another type with the help of our brain. For this, new cognitive information communication channels must be explored; The efficiency of the cognitive infocommunication channels must be compared with the scientific demand from the perspective of IT, so that an efficient system can be implemented.

Number of students who can be accepted: 1

Deadline for application: 2024-11-15